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This is where you will find images and descriptions of my unique art form. I combine sculpture with personal empowerment, viewer participation, performance, ritual and spectacle by creating a sculpture out of wood or other burnable material, invite people to add meaningful messages to it written on symbolically shaped paper or cloth that fits with the piece, conduct a ritual prior to lighting the piece on fire, and keep the piece burning by spraying fuel on it. People who participate in my pieces and observe the burning process are often very moved by their involvement. Some tell me that I provided them with an opportunity to a make profound shift in their lives.

I'm glad to be able to share with you here some of the fabulous pictures that my pieces have produced.

To link to a page of pictures for each sculpture click on title next to the sample picture of each piece.



flameboy t  Oddflaker


  Burning Butterfly?

MysteryThe Swirling Cosmic Mystery